Sunday, May 22, 2016

Tiny banker aka Zusy| Banking Malware


Tinba short form of Tiny banker, is a banking Trojan targeted to steal banking details like personal information, login credentials or requests to perform a funds transfer.
When Tinba infects a computer and the user tries to log in to one of the targeted banks, Tinba’s webinjects are launched into action. Depending on the targeted bank, victims are presented with fake Web forms asking for personal information, login credentials or requests to perform a funds transfer. The notice may even try to convince the victim that a certain amount is deposited accidently and it must be refunded immediately.
 This Trojan targets a large scope of banks like Bank of America, ING Direct, and HSBC. The fake web form may look something like this.

                                               Representation image
  • The victim visits a website infected with the Tinba Exploit kit  aka Rig Exploit Kit(Flash or Silverlight exploit).  If the victim system is vulnerable, the exploit executes a malicious code that downloads and executes the malware payload, Tinba Trojan.
  •   When the Trojan is executed, it copies itself to the following location: 
%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\default\bin.exe
  •  Then Trojan  modifies the following file to disable Mozilla Firefox warnings when visiting insecure sites: 
%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\[USER PROFILE NAME]\user.js 
  •  Next, the Trojan creates the following registry entry so that it executes whenever Windows starts: 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\"default" = "%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\default\bin.exe" 
  •   It then modifies the following registry entry to alter Internet Explorer settings: 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\3\"1609" = "0" 
  •  Next, the Trojan injects itself into the following processes: 
a.     svchost.exe
b.    explorer.exe·         

  • It then injects code into the following browsers: 

  • The Trojan then ends the following processes: 

  • Next, the Trojan then monitors network traffic and the records information in the following file:  %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\default\web.dat

  •   The stolen information is then sent to one of the following command-and-control (C&C) servers 



  • ·         Enforce a password policy. Complex passwords make it difficult to crack password files on compromised computers. This helps to prevent or limit damage when a computer is compromised.
  • ·         Use a firewall to block all incoming connections from the Internet. By default, you should deny all incoming connections and only allow services you explicitly want to offer to the outside world.
  • ·         Always use the lowest level of privileges necessary to complete a task. When prompted for a root or UAC password, ensure that the program asking for administration-level access is a legitimate application.
  • ·         Turn off file sharing if not needed. If file sharing is required, use ACLs and password protection to limit access. Disable anonymous access to shared folders.
  • ·         Disable Autoplay.exe  to prevent the automatic launching of executable files on network and removable drives, and disconnect the drives when not required. If write access is not required, enable read-only mode if the option is available.
  • ·         Turn off and remove unnecessary services.
  • ·         If a threat exploits one or more network services, disable, or block access to, those services until a patch is applied.
  • ·         Always keep your patch levels up-to-date, especially on computers that host public services and are accessible through the firewall, such as HTTP, FTP, mail, and DNS services.
  • ·         ensure that all devices are set to "Unauthorized", requiring authorization for each connection request. Do not accept applications that are unsigned or sent from unknown sources
  • ·         Configure your email server to block or remove email that contains file attachments that are commonly used to spread threats, such as .vbs, .bat, .exe, .pif and .scr files..

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